
The Olympic Advertising Platform #BeTheFastest

The Olympic Advertising Platform #BeTheFastest

Emotional connection when creating an advertisement has become increasingly important. As the public consumption has reached an all-time high,  the subconscious has adapted to blocking out many forms of advertising to the point where brand recognition is comparable to breathing for our younger generations.  How often do we really remember the advertisements that we see? What captivates us these days? Innovation and emotion are the 2 main factors we recognise in Virgin mobiles Usain Bolt add below. 

Corporate Sponsorship of Municipal Properties

Corporate Sponsorship of Municipal Properties

Over the years, municipal and public facilities such as parks, beaches and sporting facilities have witnessed a decline in government funding which as a result has led to difficulties in conducting maintenance and upkeep.

In order to combat this, properties have historically looked towards donors and more recently, corporate sponsors. This brings up an interesting debate about over-corporatization, with commentators on both sides of the fence making their opinions heard, including prominent personalities like Bill Maher in this video.