municipal properties

Sponsorship Essentials: Q&A w/ Thomas Wills, CEO of BWA

Sponsorship Essentials:  Q&A w/ Thomas Wills, CEO of BWA

Thomas Wills is the President and CEO of Bonham/Wills & Associates.  By 30, he was heading up one of the bigger players in the sponsorship, valuation, and negotiating world.  Today, in part one in our series, "Sponsorship Essentials", he sits down with us and lends us valuable insight into the sponsorship and naming rights industry, (all done in 10 minutes or less).  

Corporate Sponsorship of Municipal Properties

Corporate Sponsorship of Municipal Properties

Over the years, municipal and public facilities such as parks, beaches and sporting facilities have witnessed a decline in government funding which as a result has led to difficulties in conducting maintenance and upkeep.

In order to combat this, properties have historically looked towards donors and more recently, corporate sponsors. This brings up an interesting debate about over-corporatization, with commentators on both sides of the fence making their opinions heard, including prominent personalities like Bill Maher in this video.